Mapping Africa Transformations


Read in depth studies and publications.

Integrating gender analysis into food & nutrition security early warning systems in West Africa

Integrating gender dimensions into early warning systems is critical to support equitable crisis prevention and response

Contemporary civil-military relations in the Sahel

The paper examines the evolution and the contemporary state of civil-military relations in the francophone Sahel (Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal)

Political settlements with jihadists in Algeria and the Sahel

This paper analyses past settlements with jihadists in Algeria and the Sahel, distinguishing between “stabilising settlements” that remove fighters from the battlefield versus “delaying settlements” that allow jihadists to accumulate resources and recruits

The unstable foundations of political stability in Chad

Chad has emerged as an important counter-terrorism partner in the Lake Chad Basin and the broader Sahel-Sahara region due to its recent political stability and military contribution to security efforts in these troubled zones